

How to make 5-pointed paper snowflakes

Though no longer in elementary school, I still get a kick out of paper snowflakes. I made this snowflake garland the other night from origami paper, dental floss, and tape.

The simplest paper snowflakes are based on 4- or 8-pointed stars (fold a square in half diagonally and keep halving it until it's nearly too thick to cut, then snip out small shapes ). The second and third flakes in this garland are based on a 5-pointed star. Download the 5-point folding directions right here. I think they're easier to cut since there are fewer paper layers.

Here's an 8-pointer. Unfolding is my favorite part; it's practically as thrilling as bungee jumping. To get them nice and flat, iron your snowflakes with the steam setting turned off.

Found Here:
How to make 5-pointed paper snowflakes | How About Orange

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